Meaningful Consumer Insights

Research & Insights in Indian Ocean Islands: Comoros – Madagascar – Mayotte – Maldives – Mauritius – Reunion – Seychelles

Market Intelligence Reports Available

Brand and CX studies for key services are immediately available: internet, hotels, insurance, banks, car dealers, clinics, mobile, etc.

Reports include a Brand Equity analysis and track brand awareness, positioning,  brand footprint and the corporate reputation of the brand, including sustainability and environmental indexes.

3 different Shoppers Reports are available: Supermarkets report, Malls report, and the eShopper report.

Reports track the visit scores of the key brands, the brand and advertising awareness as well as a customer experience benchmarking on key performance indicators. The shoppers and consumers behaviours, as well as the profile of visitors, are analysed.

Reports are updated at least twice a year.

Market Focus reports give a detailed picture of key FMCG markets : trusted shopper, channel, retailer, and macroeconomic data to drive strategic planning, inform tactical execution, and provide a clear path for growth

Understand people and communities: Ensure your brand, innovation, and communications planning are tapping into trends.

The latest societal reports: GenZ report, Future Life Report and Sustainability Foundation Study

Conferences & Workshops

Atelier GEN Z : 4 heures pour décrypter la génération des moins de 25 ans à Maurice

NOUVELLE SESSION : mardi 196 novembre 2021 -Analysis House – 9h00 – 13h00

Selon l’agence d’information Bloomberg, les membres de la génération Z représente un tiers de la population mondiale, et leur solvabilité ne cesse de croître. Ils concurrencent désormais les Millennials (GenY) en matière d’attractivité pour les marques. De nombreuses analyses et études internationales ont montré de grandes différences avec les millennials (Les Y), notamment dans les idées et les ambitions : à l’instar de Greta Thunberg, les Z veulent changer le monde, avoir un impact.

Qu’en est-il à Maurice?

Pour le découvrir, Kantar vous invite à participer à cet atelier qui a été construit avec les résultats de l’Etude GenZ réalisée de avril à juillet 2021 par Kantar à Maurice. L’atelier est enregistré auprès de la HRDC.

What We Do


Using secondary data, qualitative and quantitative research methods, we seek out to understand the consumer, retailer and shopper in order to bring key insights to your business strategies. 

What We Do


We combine marketing, strategy and innovation to provide meaningful insights that will help you understand your consumers, develop your business plans and achieve your objectives. From devising your communication plan to the creation of your brand book, we provide the strategic support that your brand needs.

What We Do


We develop marketing intelligence tools and digital solutions to connect with your markets, customers and employees.
